I want to thank you for taking the time to read this book. It has been an investment of your time which I do not take lightly. I hope the reading was intriguing, insightful but most importantly informative. As you may very well know science fiction stories have dominated our culture since Orson Welles classic radio drama “The War of the Worlds” was aired on Nov 30, 1938. Since then Lost in Space, The Time Tunnel, My Favorite Martian, Star Trek, Star Wars and the list goes on of classic tales that has been enjoyed by our culture.
While this book, Why God Became a Man may read like science fiction let me assure you it is quite real. There is a spiritual war that has been fought and won by God Himself through Jesus Christ. He has fixed the terms of surrender and defeat for the enemy. As that moment quickly approaches the daily battles rage on for the souls of mankind. With every second that ticks away two living souls enter eternity through death’s doorway. In every case each individual’s eternity future is now set and cannot be changed. Some have come to faith in Jesus Christ resulting in a restored relationship with God in heaven at this very moment. Others have rejected Jesus Christ as THE ONLY way to God Himself and in doing so remain forever separated from God in hell at this very moment.
The good news is you are still in a position to choose your eternal destiny so I beg you choose wisely. For many people they question the concept of God’s very existence itself. I think that is an honest place to start so let’s begin. In doing so let it be known that I am only going to provide you the evidence that God is real. I am not foolish enough to expect to convince you of such a fact. You will have to come to that conclusion yourself albeit I will use all the zeal of a prosecuting attorney in laying out the evidence. There are three witnesses I would like to call to the stand in our proverbial courtroom. The first witness is named Creation. We could look at all the ecosystems of this planet called earth that function seamlessly to understand that a Divine order set everything in motion. Take plants and humans for instance. A plant such as a tree will take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen while a human takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide. Is it any wonder God created the vegetation before He created the man? Yet simple logic tells us that since there is a creation there must be a Creator. Every painting had a painter create it; every building had an architect design it and every watch had a watch maker build it. Why is our planet the third from the Sun and yet is the only developed one that sustains human life? Why is it that the earth is tilted upon its axis at twenty-three and a half degrees and spins at one thousand miles an hour? The tilt upon the axis varies ever so slightly to accommodate the seasonal changes we all experience annually like clockwork. The gravitational pull created by the rotation of the earth is so perfectly balanced to ensure we do not spin off or into the planet. How is it that two objects of different size and weight can fall at the same speed from the same distance all at the same time? Try it! With your keys in one hand and a pen in the other raise them both to the same level and then release both at the same time.
Now gaze intently through either a microscope or a telescope and be amazed at a segment of creation that is otherwise unseen by the naked eye. Yes Creation thank you for your testimony concerning your Creator God. You may step down.
Next to the stand I would like to call Conscience. I believe you happen to know this witness do you not? No!? Please take a closer look and lend your ear as he begins to speak. This witness has been with you from the moment your father’s sperm entered your mother’s egg. Upon the moment of conception the moral reasoning of God was present. He has accompanied your development as you have grown up as a little child. God has written His moral law upon the tablet of your heart and has revealed Himself to you. Your parents, elders and friends enforced this moral law as they guided you not to lie, steal or be angry at others. Yet as you continued to grow and develop your moral reasoning ran up against a new adversary…mental reasoning. You began to think on your own as you spread your wings and started making your own choices.
One day you were cornered by a question and contemplated telling the truth or a lie. Your moral reasoning said “do not lie”but your mental reasoning suggested you lie in order to escape detection. At that moment you choose to violate your conscience and you lied. Now you have become a sinner in the eyes of God
and responsible to Him to satisfy the penalty of breaking the ninth commandment. As you grew older you continued at times to do what you know was wrong to do rather than doing right. Each time your conscience would attempt to direct you toward doing good yet to no avail. The older you grew and the increasing violations of conscience you perpetrated resulted in the suppression of truth. Your mental reasoning at this age has now been exposed to the written Ten Commandments which are a mirrored image of the moral reasoning written upon your heart by the finger of God.
Maybe dear reader for you it was stealing rather than lying. Maybe you stole some candy from a store, a bike from school or treated someone very mean out of anger. The fact remains that you also have silenced the voice of Conscience through your progressive sinful behavior. Can you remember that first sin? Do you remember where you were and what you were doing? Thank you Conscience you are dismissed but I reserve the right to call upon you again if need be.
Dear Reader the third and final witness I want to call is Christ Himself. There simply is no doubt or debating whatsoever that this man, Jesus Christ existed. There is more documented evidence that He existed than any other human being that graced this people planet. There are more manuscripts containing His words than there are of the words of Socrates. Religious and secular historians of the day acknowledged His existence. The Gregorian calendar is centered on the life of the Man. History is delineated by either B.C. (Before Christ) or A.D. (After Death). Did you ever wonder why Easter, a world holiday marking His resurrection from the dead, falls on a different day every year? It follows the lunar schedule of the first Sunday, following the first full moon of the Vernal Equinox. Another world holiday is Christmas which is celebrated by Christians and non-Christians alike. Jesus Christ has had the greatest impact upon human history than any other living person to date. His life is a witness as well as His death and resurrection. His death was for your sins, my sins and those of the whole world. He was sent by God as the ONLY way to be forgiven and escape the judgment that is to come to every human being. Jesus was more than a great teacher, a prophet or a holy man. Jesus Christ openly declared that He was God in the flesh. No other great teacher, prophet or holy man has ever made that declaration. One other declaration Jesus made was when He said, “If I be lifted up I will draw all men unto Me.”
Dear Reader from the very moment you reached the age of accountability and became a sinner before God, He has been drawing you. The Creation, your Conscience and Christ Himself have reached out to you continually throughout the years to draw you back into relationship with God. This little book is also an attempt being made for you to acknowledge that you have broken the laws of God with a view toward repentance. He does not desire that you end up in hell which was created for the angels and not mankind. Men and women will go there because they refuse to give up their sinful and rebellious ways. They are aligning their wills against God and by defacto with Satan. When God brings judgment both rebellious angels and humans will be forever cast into the lake of fire.
Dear Reader this is no science fiction story but historical Christian doctrine declared by Jesus Christ Himself. I beg you this one last time to consider these words, search your heart for the times in your life that God has been reaching out to you. Once you acknowledge those times mentally, fall on your knees and cry out to God for mercy as you morally acknowledge His graciousness in reaching out this one additional time.