At a point in eternity past, before God established time, He created the angelic world. This world functioned under complete and total submission to the will of God. After an unspecified period Lucifer rebelled against his Creator, God. He initiated a coup attempt in which he enlisted one-third of the total number of angels created. His coup ultimately failed which resulted in the expulsion of him and his angelic counterparts from heaven.
What is essential for the reader to understand is that heaven operated and functioned at the direction of God’s will. When Lucifer rebelled he made a choice to exercise his will in a direction opposite of God’s. He made the choice to reject God and elevate his own will above that of his Creator.
Now for the first time in the Creation Continuum we have two separate and opposing wills in operation. When Satan rebelled he convinced one-third of the angels to make the choice to follow him against God. This resulted in a division of heaven with two separate and opposing forces now functioning in the Creation Continuum.
For this betrayal Lucifer (now known as Satan, the adversary) and his angelic counterparts were cast down to the newly created heaven and earth. The earth was formless and void covered by darkness. God spoke and created the light which separated it from darkness. On the second day God separated the firmament and created Heaven. God did not call the second day He created “good” because this is the realm in which the angelic rebels would now call their domain and abode
On the third day of creation God began to create an environment on the earth that was suitable for the man and woman He would create on the sixth day. God created the human race because it was the vehicle He would use to defeat Satan and restore order to His creation. God had made the choice to take on the form of a created being inferior to whom He would destroy through free will and the power of choice.
When God created Adam he was given all authority to rule the newly created earth and have dominion over all the living creatures. God spoke once again to Adam and gave him a command not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Adam now was given the opportunity to exercise his free will and made the choice to obey his Creator. As a result he experienced an intimate fellowship with God. The two would walk together, talk together and everything in the garden east of Eden would function after the will of God through Adam’s obedience. God saw that man needed a helper so He created the woman Eve and gave her to Adam as a helpmate.
For Satan this was unacceptable. He saw Adam as inferior to his own wisdom, beauty and splendor. In his state of pride thiscould not stand. Satan wanted to strip Adam from his authority and dominion over the earth. In his crazed pursuit of power, he tempted Eve to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. After listening to the serpent she made the choice to eat from the tree. This choice was a direct violation of God’s expressed command which is sin. Eve then gave the fruit to her husband and he ate. Then the eyes of them both were opened and they knew they were naked.
Adam’s choice to sin and rebel against the known will of God resulted in losing his authority to rule the garden east of Eden. God expelled the pair from the garden east of Eden and prevented them from returning.
From this moment on God would continue His plan to restore order to His creation through the human race. The Bible provides us the story of God’s journey with the human race and how the two worked together to accomplish His goal.
The Old Testament tells us that God created the human race with Adam. God declared He would destroy Satan through the human race (Adamic Covenant). God saved the human race through Noah and promised never to flood the earth again (Noahic Covenant). God then promises to establish the Jewish nation through Abraham (Abrahamic Covenant). With David God promised that his lineage would be established upon the throne forever (Davidic Covenant). As long as there was a kingdom in Judah, David’s heir ruled.
After the voice of Malachi there remained a period of approximately 450 years of prophetic silence. God was ready for the second act to commence upon the stage of humanity.